Monday 28 May is Memorial Murph day. We are doing it with our 5.11 Weighted Vest!

Posted by Jono, Tactical Solutions on 25th May 2018

Monday 28 May is Memorial Murph day. We are doing it with our 5.11 Weighted Vest!

Celebrating Memorial Murph with CrossFit Weighted plate. 5.11.

This Monday is Memorial Murph day.

The "Murph" Hero WOD (workout of the day) is a classic. The workout honors Navy SEAL Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was KIA in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of the favorites for Lt. Murphy but he used to call it "Body Armor". Now this WOD is one of the most popular to honor the fallen and was featured several times in the CrossFit games.

what is CrossFit Murph and how to do it. Use a weighted vest to simulate the weight of the armour.

A Navy Seals Perspective of the CrossFit Murph WOD (Workout of the Day)

Of course the 5.11 TacTec plate carrier (the one used in the CrossFit Games) is at the top of our list.

Check out the training section of our store for apparel that you can use if you want to try this giant of a crossFit exercise.

Stay safe, Stay Tactical