Put your phone/rifle underwater. 50% off!

Posted by Jono, Tactical Solutions on 19th Apr 2018

Put your phone/rifle underwater. 50% off!

Get up to 50% off on selected Oakley Si gear, tactical oakley, apparel, special, sale

Shoot under water with this waterproof bag.

You spend a fortune on tech and equipment.

When you're out what are you using to protect it?

Whether we're out in the bush, in the rain or taking a quiet afternoon fishing we've always got our tech safely tucked into a Loksak.

Loksak - aLoksak, opsak, shieldsak, splashsak - waterproof bags for your gear

We have just had a massive order from one of our clients and are putting in a big re-order...but before we do we're going to take off 50% (Use coupon LOK50 at checkout)of our remaining stock for the next two weeks or until we've sold out. Come get some!

Waterproof bags to keep your gear dry, take pictures under water with your iPhone, Android, Smart phone, use iPad, tablet

Stay safe, Stay Tactical