5.11s Tier One Operator. Special forces, Green Beret, MMA and Bad Ass!

Posted by Jono, Tactical Solutions on 1st Jun 2018

5.11s Tier One Operator. Special forces, Green Beret, MMA and Bad Ass!

5.11 Tactical - Tim Kennedy - MMA - fighter - fighting - operator - Crossfit vest - weighted vest

It's been Memorial Week in the US and it got us thinking.

There have been a lot of Heroes remembered, celebrated and honoured in various ways.

If you had to name one of your Heroes, who would it be and why?

Would it be Dirk Vlug who took on 5 tanks by himself with a rocket launcher?

Tactical hero Dirk Vlug with one of the five tanks he destroyed on his own

1 MAN vs 5 TANKS!

[Medal of Honor citation]
“Loading single-handedly, he destroyed the first tank, killing its occupants with a single round. As the crew of the second tank started to dismount and attack him, he killed 1 of the foes with his pistol, forcing the survivors to return to their vehicle, which he then destroyed with a second round. Three more hostile tanks moved up the road, so he flanked the first and eliminated it, and then, despite a hail of enemy fire, pressed forward again to destroy another. With his last round of ammunition he struck the remaining vehicle, causing it to crash down a steep embankment. Through his sustained heroism in the face of superior forces, Pfc. Vlug alone destroyed 5 enemy tanks and greatly facilitated successful accomplishment of his battalion’s mission.”

...or would it be David Bleak, a combat medic that took a bullet, shielded a soldier from a blast and charged down and eliminated the opposition with only his bare hands.

David Bleak, a combat medic that took a bullet, shielded a soldier from a blast and charged down and eliminated the opposition with only his bare hands

Wounded, blown up...he charged with his bare hands!

[Medal of Honor citation]
"Sgt. Bleak, a member of the medical company, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and indomitable courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. As a medical aidman, he volunteered to accompany a reconnaissance patrol committed to engage the enemy and capture a prisoner for interrogation. Forging up the rugged slope of the key terrain, the group was subjected to intense automatic weapons and small arms fire and suffered several casualties. After administering to the wounded, he continued to advance with the patrol. Nearing the military crest of the hill, while attempting to cross the fire-swept area to attend the wounded, he came under hostile fire from a small group of the enemy concealed in a trench. Entering the trench he closed with the enemy, killed 2 with bare hands and a third with his trench knife. Moving from the emplacement, he saw a concussion grenade fall in front of a companion and, quickly shifting his position, shielded the man from the impact of the blast. Later, while ministering to the wounded, he was struck by a hostile bullet but, despite the wound, he undertook to evacuate a wounded comrade. As he moved down the hill with his heavy burden, he was attacked by 2 enemy soldiers with fixed bayonets. Closing with the aggressors, he grabbed them and smacked their heads together, then carried his helpless comrade down the hill to safety. Sgt. Bleak’s dauntless courage and intrepid actions reflect utmost credit upon himself and are in keeping with the honored traditions of the military service."

Hardcore warriors from yesteryear, with great stories...

...but, what about our modern day warriors?

The guy that smashes through absolutely everything that he tries and his actions speak louder than words.

5.11 ambassador Tim Kennedy is exactly that guy.

He's a Special Forces sniper and a Ranger qualified Green Beret.

Tim Kennedy Tactical Sniper - Ranger - Shooting

He's a former MMA fighter. He started his amateur career with a 30-1 record.
He has a black belt in MACP (modern army combative program) and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Click on the image below to go to his UFC profile and see some fantastic stats of his UFC career.
They've got some great pictures and if you have a UFC fight pass you can watch some of his fights.
Be warned - you will spend a lot of time on the site...if you're into your fighting.

Tim Kennedy MMA fight record. 18 - 6.

Tough guy!
There are two great interviews where you really get to know Tim and how he thinks.

The first one was on the Tim Ferriss Show. Click on the picture below to watch it on Youtube.
It is a long interview, you can also catch it on Spotify under Podcasts / The Tim Ferris Show / Hurry Up and Fail -- Tim Kennedy. - 22 April 2018

Tim Kennedy - Tim Ferriss interview on Tactical mindset, way he does it

The second was on the Joe Rogan Experience two weeks ago. It's a good one!

Tim Kennedy and Joe Rogan experience interview on Chasing Hitler, Hard to Kill, hunting and other Tactical mindsets

He owns a company called Sheepdog Response, where he "gives thegood guys the tools they need to effectively respond to violence".

There's a great 25 minute documentary about it. Check it out below.

Documentary on Tim Kennedy company Sheepdog Response.

We've got to know Tim through 5.11...and he's been a fantastic ambassador.

Tim Kennedy - 511 tactical - workout, fitness

Tim kennedy - ranger - shooting - tactical - ambassador

Tim Kennedy - 511 Tactical - Weighted Vest - as used in the Crossfit Games

Tim Kennedy - BBJ - Training - fighting - 511 Tactical

Tim Kennedy - Training - Atlas stone - 511 Tactical

5.11 Tactical - Modern Day Warrior - Always be ready - 511 Tactical

Great guy. It's going to be interesting to see where he's going next. His Discovery Channel TV show - Hard to Kill - is going to be amazing! - He talks about the insane things he does in the Joe Rogan interview.

Stay safe, Stay Tactical