On the range. What are you packing?

Posted by Jono, Tactical Solutions on 15th Jun 2018

On the range. What are you packing?

Auckland range Waiuku

We visited the beautiful Waiuku range just South of Auckland this week.

What a pleasure being treated to a phenomenal drive framed one second by blue sky and the next by colossal New Zealand clouds trying to fight the sun's rays from stealing any attention.

We met Todd, the club captain, and we instantly liked the guy, maybe because he was decked out in 5.11 and had a pair of ESS on.
They've done a fantastic job in making the whole range shine and we look forward to adding a few rounds into their beautiful mountain.
Check out their website for more www.waiukupistolclub.org.nz

Amongst other things, we had a chat about range life and what were some of the kit that people brought along.

The top of the list was range bags.

511 range day range ready bag for all you tactical equipment

511 Range pants, bags, what to wear at the range

511 range day best range bag 42 and 36 inch shock case

511 range ready bag what to pack for the range loadout

A great chat!

Stay safe, Stay tactical